15th Annual Walk for Suicide Prevention and Awareness

The support you give by joining our walk is appreciated! 

Clearfield Jefferson Suicide Prevention Team, Inc. is a non-profit organization. Your tax-deductible donation will help us continue education programs, advocacy for people with mental illnesses and their families. Please designate your pledge in the registration form.



Why join our Walk?

Clearfield Jefferson Suicide Prevention Team, Inc. is dedicated to reduce the occurrence of suicide within our two county areas.

The team wants to achieve this goal by promoting awareness and prevention by offering programs to the community at large.

We want to be able to provide prevention, intervention, and postvention trainings to any and all groups from the faith based community to the business community.

The team wants to make suicide a topic we can freely talk about and not to be in fear of. We want everyone to learn how to identify the person who may be suicidal and then know what to say to get them the help they so desperately need.

Your participation adds strength to our efforts to advocate for solutions and combat stigma.

The Clearfield Jefferson Suicide Prevention Team’s mission is to reduce the occurrence of suicide within our two county area. The money raised through the Walk will enable the team to promote awareness and prevention of suicide, develop trainings and workshops, educate our community of the signs and symptoms of suicide and how to lend a hand to someone thinking of taking their life.

Prevention Begins With You.

For more information contact:
Scott Rendos, Suicide Prevention Team Coordinator
Email: CJSPT2@gmail.com